Weekly Competition #30

08 May 2019


Photo credit: Matthew Nigel / Shutterstock.com

proactive_piccolo and easygoing_rabbit

Well done to everyone who entered this week's competition. There were some fantastic and imaginative answers, especially those that used the storytelling skill to write creatively. We loved the reasoning shown by our winners, the attention to detail and the link to human rights. Well done!


This week's competition focuses on the CURIOSITY and REASONING skills. Have a look at the photograph and choose one of the following questions to answer.

What's on the other side of the wall?


Should they be looking over the wall?

Winners will give good reasons and show a curious mind! The results will be announced on Friday. Good luck!

Comments (91)

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  • Personally, I don’t think they should be looking over a wall 24/7. I think people need privacy and sometimes people might not enjoy the company. Sometimes people might be paranoid about people looking over the wall to invade their privacy as they might not want anyone to see something they are doing. Overall I don't think it’s OK!

  • Over the wall is an enchanting forest( maybe a jungle) were you can have a one way adventure with Disney characters and have a go at surviving through the one way world!

    1. So here you are using your imagination so to uplift it so that it is not a bad thing nice idea benevolent_planet well done.

  • I believe that other people need privacy and us as the public need to respect that, also a lot of people don't do that and that is not alright.

  • I think they should and shouldn't be looking over the wall, because, maybe there is something or someone injured or hurt, but they also shouldn't look over the wall, because it might be something private. The people might think that there is some thing enchanted behind the wall because the are only children, but it might also be something dangerous, but you will never know, anything can be behind a wall.

  • In my opinion, they should not be constantly watching over them. They need their privacy. They might be doing a surprise for them, or anyone else. However, they just may not want it happening.

  • I do not believe that they should be looking over the wall. This is because one human right (I believe) is that 'we all have the right to privacy'. The people looking over the wall are making whoever is on the other side not have privacy.

    I believe that over the wall is a place of magic and wonder. Around the wall there is a golden glow which leads me to believe that, like in peter pan, on the other side of the wall is a pixie or fairy, or someone with pixie dust.

  • People build walls and other objects like fences to keep a mindset that you have your own privacy and don't always have to worry what other people think about you. Invading somebody's privacy is against the humans right and we should always treat people how you want to be treated, and treat everybody like family and respect everybody.

  • Question:Whats On The Other Side Of The Wall?
    crafty_context answer:I think that it could be their family or a relative which they lost or are very close to.I think this because They are looking quite quite and they are not waving their hands about to try to catch that persons attention or how you wave to someone to say 'hi.'

  • want is that over the well is that a pond foll of fish .

  • I think you shouldn't look over the wall because if you are stalking them it is not OK and you can hurt your self and they wont want want people to see the people over the wall

  • Personally, we can not see over there we can not confirm whats over there we do not know if they should be looking over ,but because the area has been walled off they shouldn't be looking over [because it is either off limits or private property- even though there are no sign in the picture not too look -besides people may get paranoid that people are stalking there property and invading there privacy.

  • I think you shouldn't look over the wall because it might be personal things or it might not be personal but it could be a trap or an ambush by animals if over the wall is a forest/jungle or it could be a secret passage to a special place that had never known before so we shouldn't look over something that you don't know

  • Beyond that wall could be so many different things:
    A path to true happiness and equality, a glass container full of all the cures to deadly diseases, a zoo full of animals you wouldn't of known existed or even a small wishing well where you would have one wish.

  • I personally think that they shouldn't look over the wall because there might have been a reason to build the wall for nobody to look over. Maybe they had to check the area incase any treacherous animals would be nearby or it would be for their own privacy. Everyone has a right to have privacy and it isn't always good if other people interupt and peek over. Somebody could have spotted them and chased after them if it was something special for them.

  • Walls are build to protect certain objects and people such as yourself or if you have a garden you will want to protect you plants and flowers. Trespassing into someone else's privacy and property is never necessary and wanted. I believe that everyone should have their some privacy and that anyone wouldn't want someone invading their privacy even the person who is invading someone else's privacy. This is what i think.

  • What is on the other side of the wall?
    I would pick that because if it is something that eye catching I then I woud like to know what is on the other side of the wall and if it is that good and in the picture those people are a looking then it is should be something probably good but that is my opinion.

  • I don't think that they should be looking over the wall because people have their own rights to have privacy and not constantly have people nosing over their wall. They must have built it for a reason and that reason might be that a family member has passed away and that they want to have some time together. People don't know what is happening on the other side of that wall therefore they shouldn't interfere and should leave the people on the other side alone. Also, it is quite rude to nose over somebody's wall and anything else that someone clearly built for some reason or another.

  • i think they shouldnt be looking over the wall because if i saw someone looking over into my backyard itd be very creepy and id call the police

  • Everything and nothing could be over that wall. It doesn't matter whats over the wall, it is what you thinks over the wall.
    It could be-
    A place where every mystical animal lives. There could be nothing or something. There are endless possibilities of what is over the wall.

  • I believe that they should not be looking over this wall. Whatever they are looking at could be embarrassing and private. A wall is there to show a border and how beyond that border is a person's own space and privacy. Also, if you are having to sit on some one else's shoulders to look at something you probably shouldn't be looking at it. To add, sometimes you can find out something that you did not want to from listening in to a conversation. For example, in Greek Mythology, Zeus gave Pandora a box and told her never to open it.However, the temptation got the better of her and she opened it, letting out sickness and death.This shows that bad things can happen when you do something you know is wrong.

  • I think that they are invading someone else privacy. They have ¨build a wall for a reason. Those who look over the wall really need to show some respect. Treat everybody how you want to be treated. They should NOT look over the wall.

  • there goal is over the wall and the wall is the thing holding them from getting here

  • The other side of the wall is much nicer than the side they are currently on and the fact that they are curious is just natural. I think that if my neighbour had a beautiful garden like that I would be curious and want to look over. As a result, i think people do still deserve privacy and I would probably ask for permission to look as it is their property.
    However, the fact that they are looking over the wall could mean that they had permission. This wall blocks out the nice things from the otherside; this links a lot to the current topic and I think the wall Trump wants to build will have the same impact on a much larger scale with multi-million dollar consequences.

  • They shouldn't be looking over the wall because what if it is private property and someone's house is there. I also think that if there is animals there they might try to attack them and it might be a guard dog protecting something worth a lot of money or is worth a lot of memory's for the owner.

  • Should they be looking over the wall? I think they shouldn't be looking the wall because what if there was a private building behind the wall or there could be an open toilet behind the wall and someone might be on it but what if an injured person or endangered animal which could be badly injured.
    There could be an ambulance doing medication.

  • I think that they should not look over the wall because what if it is private and the wall has a reason not to be looked over.

  • Behind the wall there might be a rain forest because there are trees on the background.They should not be looking over the wall because there might be some thing like a secret that you should not look at and something as a secret is something that no one should know.

  • i think they should not be looking over the wall because something dangerous might be on the other side.

  • Should they be looking over the wall?
    They shouldn't be looking over the wall because it could be private properaty and people might want privacy and if they look over then they might go to jail. I also think they shouldn't be looking over because there might be a reason that they built the wall.

    The good reason that they should be looking over the wall is because they might have heard screaming behind the wall and they could call the ambulance to help them. Or there might be an ingured animal that needs help ergently. Also people might be causing a serious crime.

  • they should not be looking over the wall because what about if they have some think privet like a open toilet,old mans house and he dose not want any one looking at his property.....

  • Maybe it has something dangerous and someones potey.

  • what could be on the other side maybe a gang of people or someone hurt i dont know if they should be looking over the wall

  • I think they can look through the wall because there could be a beautiful garden , enchanted forest
    or a woodland.

  • In my opinion,I think that they should but shouldn't look over the wall because it could be a place where they could play and have freedom but they shouldn't look over the wall because it could be somebody's private space that they
    didn't want you to see but could understand that you were curious.

  • Maybe a abandoned houses with a abandoned car

  • I don't think they should be looking over the wall because it might be something personal to someone. Also, they haven't had permission to.

  • ‘Should they be looking over the wall?’

    I don’t think they should - after all they don’t know what’s on the other side. Someone could be in a pool or doing things they don’t want others to see - There could be the family at your house, and would you like it if you had a random stranger look over your wall? I’m sure you wouldn’t.
    Also, anyone could be on the other side, and might not like you doing what they are doing.
    Additionally, it’s their privacy.

    Those are my reasons why you shouldn’t be looking over the wall.

  • I think that they should be allowed to look because if they don’t then they will be really curios and everyone is allowed to be curios

  • I think that there could be a zoo on the over side there are lions 🦁 penguins 🐧 monkeys 🐵 there are owls and a lot more answers that there could be but at the moment I am letting my amadnasion take over

    1. its imagination creative_starfruit.

  • I don’t think that they should look on the other side because it might be a dangerous thing to be doing. What if it was guarded by soldiers and the view was unpleasant; also looking on the other side might be against the law. This might explain to why there IS a wall.
    My other point is that they might get hurt. What if the wall looked like it was made by bricks but actuallly had electricity, you could put your body on it and it would cause a severe injury.

  • If the people are looking over the wall in the first place there could be something that is better than what they have. For example, maybe they are poor with not enough money and the other side has a better life than them. But perhaps they aren't looking over the wall. Maybe they are trying to get over the wall. This may be because they don't feel welcome where they are so they try to escape. Like how some people might try to get into America once the wall is fully built. I think what is on the other side of the wall really depends on where they are. So if they were in their garden they may be looking over the wall to say hi to their friends. However, since their friend is their neighbor they could just go to their house. So yes and no. If they were in a different country there may be sea on the other side of the wall. I think that they could be at the border of a country because one side looks totally different from the other: one has a lot of trees the other doesn't. So maybe there is something dangerous on the other side because one looks chaotic and the other doesn't.

    I don't think that they should be looking over the wall for their own safety and the other person's privacy. For their own safety, because like I said before, there could be something dangerous or they might be illegal immigrants in that country. They could be fined, sent to jail or, in the more extreme countries, they could be shot. They could also be invading somebody else's privacy because if they are looking over the wall/fence the other people may start to get concerned. Furthermore, if they are looking at the things that somebody else has it could be disconcerting for the other people. However, it is only natural for people to look at others so you can't really judge them. If they were trying to escape like I said before it could be a threat to their personal safety because there is no one there for them other than each other. If we link back to looking at the neighbors, it's also invading personal space. In our session, we discussed that an invisible wall could be personal space. And that garden is the neighbor's property.

    1. I like how you did a paragraph for they should and another paragraph for they shouldn't

      1. Yes, this is a very creative way to express your emotions about these two questions.

  • In my opinion, I think they should not look over the wall because it might not be appropriate for them to see it. Also, if I was on the other side of the wall I would be furious to see that someone is spying on me. Even if the person is trying to talk to the person on the other side of the wall, why couldn’t they go round the wall?

  • ‘Should they be looking over the wall?’
    Firstly, this post is an excellent discussion starter! With this post, we must take so many things into consideration such as privacy; If the person who made the wall felt as if they could not trust the people, then they may have built the wall to protect their own privacy (or perhaps for their own safety?)- Everyone should be allowed privacy as it is important to be able to do things discreetly if you wish. This could relate to Donald Trump planning to build the wall to divide them from Mexico. On the contrary, we also must consider the perspective of the person looking over the wall. They may ask themselves, ‘Why is that wall there?’ and they may let curiosity get the better of them. If the person looking over the wall, decided to look, they may have wanted to see either what they were hiding or if there was something miraculous lurking on the other side. If the wall was placed there recently, they also may ask themselves if they did something wrong which could lead to a more serious issue. This could relate to (If the wall was built) the curiosity of some Mexicans as they would wonder why it may be there. While some would argue that it would be violating a law, others would see it as simply, looking in somebody’s garden.

  • On the other side of the wall it might be an abandoned theme park with broken down rides and closed shops. Maybe it was once the best theme park in the world called: The Magical Wonder Of Hope! Perhaps the reason why it is abandoned is because there have been better theme parks since, like Disney world and Alton towers. 😲😮😯

  • In my opinion, people shouldn't be looking over the wall because the purpose of a wall is to divide places like rooms and to protect things. And also stop someone from seeing something. For example, we wouldn't have walls around things like tourist sites if we wanted tourists looking at places in over countries. That's why we have walls for rooms, bathrooms and toilets e.g. Walls also help give protection, shelter and cover. They give protection during things like invasion and not only to they protect and shelter, they also stop people invading your privacy.

  • I don't think they should look over the fence because everyone has the right to be in a safe environment and feel safe in where they live and i think these people are disrespecting peoples rights.

  • They shouldn't be looking over the wall because it's someone else's property and it might be dangerous for them.

  • I think that on the other side of the wall something pretty bad must be happening because if not they wouldn't be looking. In this case they should tell the police.

  • i imagine that in the other side of the wall there is a park better than theirs, and they are looking because they wish they could be there. :)

  • I think they should be looking at the other side of the wall because they should have the liberty to do it

  • i don´t think they should be looking because they can´t cross so they would do false hope if they see something that they want they would never be able to get it

  • On the other side of the wall, there is a beautiful forest full of beautiful flowers and a green astonishing grass. Furthermore, there are a lot of nice little children playing together and having lots of fun

    1. But imagine if someone was going to the toilet on the other side!

  • I would not see over the wall because imagine that there is a man sunbathing and you could disturb him.

  • I think that they should be looking whats on the other side of the wall because what if there are lots of magical things or maybe something very cool

  • i think they should look over the wall because maybe theres a person steeling things of your neighbour or a person is killing another one and obviously if you see this you will call the police.

  • I don't think they should be looking over the wall because it might be someone's house and it is not very polite to look in other properties without any permission from the owner. Or, in the worst occation, it can be a war or a dictatorship, as in Korea. So it can be either unpolite or risky.

  • QUESTION : what’s on the other side of the wall🤔
    ANSWER : I think that on the other side of the wall there would be a prison because some family’s would want to talk or see there family member or get them out because they might have got in jail for no reason 😑.

  • i do not think they should look over the wall because it is not their wall and people need privacy

  • I think that they are looking at how amazing The Outside looks like. I think this because comparing this to the current issue, the Mexican immigrants look at America with awe because they believe that it’s safe for them to migrate to. In this case, I believe that The Outside something really nice that the man and girl really like which is why the girl wants a chance to see it. Then if there was a barrier separating them, then, they couldn’t reach access to the special area of The Outside.

  • I think that looking over and not looking over the wall is the right thing to do because they might of heard something or just wanted to look over the other side because it's beautiful. But if they didn't have the permission to look over the wall and they did, is a wrong thing to do because they weren't allowed besides it is the other persons property. But the case of Donald wall is wrong. He just thinks it is an easy job and it is not, because if you do something right there will be something not right. He first said that the Mexico people should pay the money to build the wall witch is not fair and because that plan didn't he is asking Americans to pay for the wall!!! He is mean.

  • I would argue that we should be looking over the barriers in our way to see the things we can achieve and aspire to get there.

  • I think it depends on the wall to whether you decide to look over it or not. For instance, if you know someone's house is behind it, it would be rude to look over the wall because that's private to the home owner. However, if you can't see anything that looks private to anyone near it, then it's OK to be curious and inquisitive. At the end of the day, the cleverest people like Albert Einstein probably were curious about something, and look at how much he achieved in his lifetime. But, if you look over the wall, you must be prepared to face the consequences.

  • I would reason that no, they shouldn’t be looking over the wall. I think this, because the fact the a wall is there is showing that they are restricted. The fact that they are restricted from something can leave us to question what they are restricted from. The wall is stopping them from going somewhere- could it be guarding them from something? Or potentially guarding something from them? Furthermore, with them looking over the wall, we can assume that they are curious as to what is over there, and so they have not been told what is over there. So, I think that they should not be looking over the wall.

  • Yes, they should because they might not want to be inside the area with the wall around it. They might want to know what they are missing on the other side of the wall. On the other hand, there could be dangerous things on the other side so it depends on the person that wants to look on the other side of the wall.

  • To me, the two people who are looking over the wall are looking at success. To reach success you have to avoid obstacles to reach a certain achievement. With the two people their obstacle was the wall of which they must overcome. It could also imply that success cannot be obtained by one person but only with the help of a friend. Then together shall the people reach success.

  • I would argue that, I believe that curiosity is a key element to life that allows us to explore and expand our horizons and learn more about life in a way that lets us do it independently and it should not be hidden away because it often results in a positive way. As for the image, I believe there must something that the people admire or are intrigued by and many be infuriated by the fact that they can not reach it and be very determined to grasp it. However, due to the wall they can not get it, this could suggest that walls do divide us and not in a positive way.
    But, the wall must be there for a reason and these people should probably not be looking at this and they are invading the privacy of what is over the wall. But if we didn't use curiosity then where would we get with: technology, scientific research, everyday life and much more? We would not get as far in life without curiosity and our world wouldn't be as revolutionized as it is.
    In conclusion, walls are both positive and negative and curiosity is a good factor of life that should be used but also respectful or everybody and the impact it may have on everyone.

  • I am on the fence whether they should be looking over the wall because of two reasons. My agreement is that they are not in the best place at the moment and maybe they are trying to find somewhere nicer.

    My disagreement is maybe there was a reason for the wall to be built in the first place. People need their privacy and they are not respecting that.

  • Should they be looking over the wall? As the classic idiom says 'the grass is always greener on the other side' I think that they are maybe looking over toes if life over on the other side is much happier and argument free because their family maybe had an argument.

  • I think people are sometimes curious but overall people do need their privacy, but sometimes people need to look over a wall incase something serious or dangerous could happen.

  • Or if there is something AMAZING on the other side they should be able to look!

  • They should not be looking over the wall as it was built there for a reason, who knows why it was built, obviously something private, if you built a wall there and you didn't want people looking through how would you feel if someone did exactly the opposite of what you wanted. Imagine if you were in the loo, it would be funny for the person who is looking, but is it funny for you? So mabye you shouldn't be that person looking over.

  • I think they looked over the wall because of curiosity. Probably, they heard a noise and they want to see where that sound came from. But as people, we have different reasons why we look over the wall in the first place.

  • I think they shouldn't be looking over the wall because if you look closely at the picture it looks like the wall has been extended because they don't want people looking over the wall for some reason. Maybe it is private property and therefore they should not be looking over the wall. The girl on top of the man is a bit depressed you can see that by her body language she is sulking.

  • I think that, on the other side of the wall, could be an animal reserve because of the foliage. In this reserve there is the girl's favourite animal in there, and that animal is endangered. Because it is endangered, the girl cannot see her animal in any zoos. And, because the leaders of the reserve don't want it to become extinct, it is protected by a wall. It looks like it has been increased, and that could be because people have tried to sneak over to see the animal. As the girl really likes the animal, the other figure, who appears to be her brother or friend, is helping her to see her favourite animal for what might be the only time ever.

  • i think that their might be a secret garden on the other side of the wall because they don't look very enthusiastic maybe they don't know what is on the other side because it could be dangerous but they are looking over so they are curios to know what is on the other side. i also think that it is a secret wall because it looks like it might have been extended at the top so people can't see over it when they are standing normally.

  • They should maybe be looking over the wall because it might not be good that there's a wall there. For example, it might be a prison or a place that's not safe. They might need to save a sibling or someone in their family but they look like they might be nosy or up to something.

  • Dear Diary,

    Today I asked my brother to let me look over the wall one more time. He keeps telling me to get over it but... she was everything to me. Sighing, Devin ( my brother) said, " This once Delilah! Only once you know what happened to..." I slammed my hand over his mouth. " No." I whispered " please don't say her name.". Devin was about to open his mouth to protest but I heard someone coming. "Shh!" I exclaim " Someone's coming!". We both fall silent. We
    watched as we see The Biretta ( Dad's ,the high priest, hat ) he was forced by his father to join church and leave behind us and mum. Mum and Dad came up with a plan to meet each other at 2:30 every Thursday afternoon until 6 month ago... Grandpa caught Mum and got her killed. She was buried in the church over the wall i look there everyday. It makes me fell closer to her.Her name was Janet. I whisper her name every night.And cry myself to sleep every night like a dog preening for their owner. Now it's just me and Devin in an old abandoned flat. We both work 3 hours a day to afford food,water and clothing.


  • Q: Should they be looking over the wall?
    A: In my opinion I think they shouldn't be looking over the wall, as it is an invasion of their privacy. Although it is not illegal to not to invade someones privacy, it is very immoral. They may of heard something happening/a noise, but shouldn't they know better. It may be human nature to be curious but it shouldn't get out of hand.

  • In my opinion, I think it is okay for those people to look over the wall. If the wall is not tall enough to block intruders, I think it is very likely that someone might look above the wall. Curiosity is a natural trait so people are naturally going to look over the wall if they can even if they might get into trouble.

    That wall is also implying that you are not supposed to go beyond it, which makes humans feel restricted. If you are told not to do something, you are probably more likely to do it. For instance, if you are told not to think about cats, it is very likely that you will think about it. People like to be free instead of being bossed around so it natural that they will try and bypass those restrictions.

  • "Otto," called Katherine, "over here!" as Otto swiftly ran towards her she whispered in his ear, "Look, whats that?" She pointed towards a gaping brick wall, Otto responded by opening his eyes in shock. "I know, right we've never seen that before." The wall was hidden by shrubbery and lush green plants which scaled the wall, hiding it from sight... Except from one small section which Katherine had spotted, "I'll get on your back." She scrambled up onto Otto's broad back and quietly peered over the wall unsure of the thing that was behind it. A field of corn swayed in the gentle breeze and she slid off Otto's back disappointingly. Just a field; it was obviously the wrong wall.

  • i think that looking over the wall is just a natural reaction. However i do think that it is wrong. The reason the wall is there is to protect there privacy and keep others out. I think that if it is others private land then they should not be looking over the wall.

  • I think that there are many ways that one could interpret what exactly is going on and what is behind the wall in this image. To me from the way that the people are having to lean over and peer over the wall whilst on someone else's back shows me that they are looking over to look at something that they are not supposed to, it seems almost forbidden. It may be the house of someone important or land that is not where the people in the picture belong. It may be land that is more modernised and westernised than the one that they live on. They people seem really eager to see what is going on past the wall, whatever is past the wall seems desirable to the people in the image. I am assuming that whatever seems to be past the wall is both something grand and private. But surely is that private and grand that people can't simply look? The reason I say this is because the wall has clearly been built in order to make sure that for a man or woman with an average height can't look and see what is over the wall. One can argue that this an extreme thing to do however, there may be good reason as to why the people that pass by cant look over the wall and see what is there. Are the people that pass by capable of bad and negative things? Also why can't the people looking over go to the other side, or are they? I believe that that this idea links nicely to the idea of Donald Trump and his boarder between America and Mexico. Seeing as he claims to want to build a wall due to there being crime and drugs will come in from Mexico. So many Mexicans simply dream about going to America. However, what Donald Trump is saying is bad in many ways because many Mexicans just want to get a better quality of life and they think about the Mexican dream. A bit like my ideas for the image everything is rather mixed and there are aspects to the situation that come under forbidden

  • I meant to put American dream not Mexican dream ;(

  • I believe that you can and can't look over the wall.
    You can if it is a mental wall, see what you can challenge yourself with and just try that bit further to push yourself.
    Yo can't if it is a house wall and your peeping into a persons privacy.

  • What’s on the other side of the wall?

    The other side is a beautiful wilderness, it’s so awe inspiring, you can gaze far and beyond for long periods at a time, transfixed by the tranquility and the beauty of nature. The wall is there to protect the habitats of many animals that live on the other side of the wall. Sometimes, if you look long and hard, you may find the odd endangered species living amongst the trees.

  • Should they be doing that and why are they doing that.what's over the other side of the wall .I think there might be something going on that will be interesting to see.

  • Should they be looking over the wall?
    I don't think that they should be looking over the wall because a wall is built for a reason. For example the Berlin Wall was built to separate and block people out of West and East Germany. This is a good example to show that sometimes things are built for purposes. So the fact that they are looking over the wall could mean something.

    1. People look back on the Berlin Wall as a bad thing now. Why?

  • should they be looking over the wall ??

    i dont think they should be looking over the wall because a wall is there for a reson

  • What is on the other side? It must be something exciting, for it has attracted the attention of both a man and women. What is on the other side? It can't be something too dangerous, or the pair wouldn't be looking. What is in the other side? It can't be something too big, as otherwise we'd be able to see it. What is on the other side? It can't be something that old or new, as the wall is cracked but fairly modern. I know what is in the other side. A beautiful swimming pool, with tropical trees around the sides, perfect for two people to enjoy.

  • What is on the other side of the wall…? What is on the other side of the wall?

    This message was embedded inside my mind and I could never take the thought back. One day I would have to see the wall and what lurks beyond it. My curiosity drew me nearer and nearer to the wall until I could see it right in front of my eyes. The colossal five-foot tall brick wall restricted me from my one and only question I had.

    Cautiously, I ask my brother help and climbed back on my brother’s back with every ounce of strength I had. I had heard of the garden being wondrous with many blooming flowers and organisms but I was disabled meaning that I could not see the wonders for myself unless there was someone there to help me.

    Finally, I saw the dazzling sight. The long, emerald green grass that flowed in the calm, quiet breeze immediately intrigued me. I also had to see the different colours and patterns of the flowers: there was quite a variety of flowers, big, small, colourful and colourless, nice smelling, and foul smelling and tall and short flowers. I could gaze at the fascinating sight below me for ages to admire every scent, colour and detail. The animals and wildlife that thrived in the area could also be admirable creatures to look at such as the worms, bees, flies, wasps and spiders…

    In my opinion, I believe that there would be an amazing, new garden since there is a wall and the people might want to restrict others from coming into this garden. I also believed it would lead to a dazzling sight because the people who are looking over it are looking at it with lots of curiosity and fascination meaning that there must be something very amazing and unexpected in the garden.