Is AI a help or a hindrance

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

A.I is now part of our everyday lives, Alexa and self-checkouts are so common. Since 2000 we have become so relied on A.I. it is quite scary. I feel we should be cautious with it as we may cause harm more than help. We are so dependent on A.I. that we don't go to the shops anymore. What happens if it malfunctions or people become more unemployed who is at fault? The A.I. or us? That is what we are going to talk about today.

Is A.I. a hindrance or help?

A.I. could be a help or a hindrance and many people could have a different opinion due to perspective or maybe opinion, A.I. is a help as many people could have disabilities which could cause many obstacles in their way. If someone is blind and can't go to the shops, they could use Alexa to do the shopping for them and it is a big aid for those who need it. Also, as A.I can help it can also cause harm