An interview with Jérôme Mangelinckx


Jérôme Mangelinckx is a Global Policy Manager at Penal Reform International.

He has a lot of experience in drug policy reform, prison reform, and human rights. Additionally, he played a key role as a Co-Founder of the Research Centre on Drugs and Human Rights . This is a a Peruvian NGO (non government organisation) that protects the human rights of those most vulnerable to the impacts of the war on drugs in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Watch the video to see what Jérôme believes the purpose of justice systems are and whether or not he thinks prisons work for everyone.

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  • I agree with this statement as long periods of isolation can result in many poor mental problems that result in a high chance to re-offend. This espeasaly applys to offences that result in multiple years in prison with no time to see family.

    1. I vehemently agree with you due to the fact that although criminals are meant to be confined in prison for their wrongdoing, depending on the type of crime done but there was obviously a reason why they did that crime. But I don't feel that some of their rights should be cut off. And yes prisons work for every one. But the right prison. A prison where you will be treated as a human as you are given your punishment. If you lock down a crime person for a long time. It will provoke the person to do more harm than good. And as for the victims, they should be conpensated. And supported.

      1. I disagree because... a major purpose of prison is to fulfill justice for victims of crime and this fulfillment of justice is usually punishment. When you are being punished, of course some of your rights have to be denied for that period. Imagine a person denies someone else their right to life [by killing them], don't you think that person's right to freedom or life should be denied too? An eye for an eye! I am not saying revenge is always the best answer, but every action has its rewards.
        Of course, criminals are provoked by their denial to right of freedom, but it is the consequence of their actions. This is why prisons are not to be cruel but reformative. Forty percent of their purpose should be based on punishment and the remaining sixty on reformation.
        The victims should be compensated and be more sensitive about their environment. They should also report or correct crimes they witness, therefore, protecting their own rights to safety and freedom.

        1. Hello committed writer,
          do not get me wrong by what I say. I didn't say that people who commit offences are not to be penalized. But if you ask me, it depends on the person. Most people who are detained, these days don't really care what they go through, sometimes, to people who don't have a solution to their problem sees crime as one and sometimes make it a lifestyle. Just like Hannah Arenot said, "No punishment has ever possessed enough power or deterrence to prevent the commission of crimes." It all depends on if you want to change. So yes, offenders are to be punished give to "Caesarea what is due to Caesarea".
          Thank you.

    2. Absolutely, isolation has in negative impact on someone a person’s mental well-being. Collaborative approaches and open communication I often more effective in resolving issues and fostering positive outcomes.
      Thank you.👍

      1. I couldn't agree more. Isolation can indeed have a detrimental impact on one's mental well-being. Collaborative approaches and open transmission, on the other hand, tend to be more effective in answering issues and pursuing positive outcomes. It's crucial to prioritize connection and understanding, creating an environment that supports the well-being of individuals. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of these holistic approaches! 👍

        1. I absolutely agree with you, prisons are supposed to change the criminals from inside so as to improve them. Complete isolation and disconnect from the outside World, won't honestly improve you. The change must come from inside, you must face the realisation of truth, this is possible through preaching and spreading knowlege. Plus we all know from the COVID period that isolation can affect our mind and health. Do you really want a criminal to go insane, locked in a room.
          Another important factor here is that the situation of the person should also be kept in mind. The truth is for some people, they were forced to do criminal activities to support their families, don't get me wrong, it is still wrong, but in these situations there should be specially designed programs for them that allow them to become a better person in the future

    3. Hello ! , i agree with you and Jérôme, because i also think that if a person is kept in isolation for a long period of time it can lead to the prisoners committing the same error again because of the long isolation time that could have given them mental health issue. and this in my opinion should not be how it is because prison should be a place where people are corrected on their mistakes and taught how to be better.

    4. I agree because... One of the most debated topics in the field of criminology is what the purpose of justice systems are and whether or not he thinks prisons work for everyone. Some argue that justice systems are meant to punish offenders for their crimes and deter them from committing more. Others contend that justice systems are meant to rehabilitate offenders and help them reintegrate into society. He thinks that prisons are not effective for everyone, because they often fail to address the root causes of criminal behavior, such as poverty, mental illness, or addiction. He believes that prisons should be reserved for the most serious and violent offenders, while alternative sanctions, such as community service, restorative justice, or treatment programs, should be used for less serious and nonviolent offenders. He thinks that this would reduce recidivism rates, save costs, and promote social justice.

      1. I do agree that helpful_personality is right. I really enjoy the concept of restorative justice, which aims to make reparations for wrongs done to society, comprehend how events influence other people, and help individuals accept responsibility for their actions. A person's chances of going back to their previous behaviour that landed them in jail are quite low when they acknowledge the hurt they have caused to others. Giving those who have been harmed a sense of closure is why restorative justice is so vital.

      2. I agree, I think this form of isolation will be detrimental to the prisoners mental state when they are both in and out of prison.

        However, the purpose of prisons is to punish people for what they have done and help teach them that what they have done is wrong and should never be repeated. But in some circumstances isolation can help leave you alone with your own thoughts and sort through them yourself.

        You touched on the idea of rehabilitation and reintegration, which I would like to expand on as I believe they are very important aspects of a prisoners current life and where it will go after prison. Lets take Sweden as an example, in 2014 Nils Öberg (Director-general of the Swedish Prison and Probation Service) had an interview with the Guardian regarding their prison system. He said ' our role is not to punish' , Sweden believes that the prison sentence is the punishment due to the removal of their freedom. So during the sentence they are taught life skill in order to help them reintegrate back into society. In most prisons the staff will eat with the prisoners to make them feel more like people than prisoners.

        I think that if our prison systems want to stop re-offending rates then more countries need to copy Sweden's ideas around treating prisoners like they are still just people rather than criminals.

        Sources :
        - The Guardian

    5. I disagree because they have got the punishment for what they have done, and it's their problem whether to make a crime or not, so i think that the prison is a good punishment for the crimes only if it goes up to 12 years.

    6. Good Day,
      I agree because... it is not good to keep someone in prison for a long time. Although the crime in which someone has done might be so offensive which leads to him/her being kept in isolation for a long time it is still not right to also deprive that individual from seeing his/her family. A family is a group of people which when they visit an inmate, they might help speed up the process of the inmates change. For example if a man is put in prison for drunk driving and the person is allowed to see his/her parents don't you think that the parents will be able to talk to the person to change? I believe that a family's touch might be just what a person needs to change for life.

      Thank You.

    7. I also agree.
      Extended periods of isolation can have detrimental effects on individuals' mental health, particularly for those incarcerated for significant durations, exacerbating the likelihood of re-offending upon release. The isolation experienced in long-term incarceration, especially when coupled with limited opportunities for social interaction and familial contact, can lead to a myriad of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The absence of regular social interactions and support networks can amplify feelings of loneliness, alienation, and despair, contributing to a decline in psychological well-being. Furthermore, prolonged separation from family members can result in strained relationships, feelings of abandonment, and a sense of disconnection from the outside world. In such environments, individuals may struggle to maintain a sense of identity and purpose, leading to a loss of hope for the future and a diminished sense of self-worth. These adverse psychological effects not only compromise the rehabilitation process but also increase the likelihood of recidivism as individuals may turn to criminal behavior as a coping mechanism or seek solace in negative influences within the prison environment. To address these challenges, it is imperative to implement measures that prioritize the mental health and well-being of incarcerated individuals, including access to mental health services, opportunities for meaningful social interaction, and support for maintaining familial bonds. By addressing the root causes of mental health issues in prison settings, society can work towards reducing recidivism rates and promoting successful reintegration into the community upon release.

    8. I without a doubt agree with you on this statement, as a person who suffers with mental health also it without will definantly make worse of what mental illness they may already have causing a common occurance of offending or even worse crimes comitted if not taken to therapy or anything that will work , and it just takes humanity away from them when i believe prison should be a place rehabilitate and give the person a chance to get better to make no futher crimes. Yes, they will not be able to see family as well but some can out rule that sometimes it can be for the better especially if family is a sensitive topic to handle

    9. I agree with the assertion that extended periods of isolation can lead to various mental health issues, increasing the likelihood of re-offending. This is particularly relevant to crimes that entail lengthy prison sentences, during which individuals are unable to interact with their families.

  • Jérôme Mangelinckx has definitely made me think differently about prisons, before I used to think that prison was a place where people are tortured but now, I see that prison is actually a correctional center. Jérôme is quite right when he talks about how prisons should be organized. In my own opinion prisons should have more education than work this would help prisoners to change even faster

    Thankyou Jérôme Mangelinckx.

    1. Hi glad_outcome, I share the same opinion with you as regarding prisions being places for correction and not only for torture. I have learnt about people who were able to further their education while serving their jail term,some even got to learn some trade that became beneficial to them at the long run. There are people who after leaving the prison, really become reformed and turn a new leaf.

      1. I agree because prison is not just meant to be for pain only. It is a place where citizens are meant to know that their country is safe.

    2. I agree because with you because he also made me to understand nderstant that prisons are correctional centers where offensive individuals are been amended to their ways of life. Prisons is also a place where punishment are been meant for the offensive ones.
      I think I really enjoyed his speech because he has explored some many things to me.
      I really appreciate that wonderful speech. Thanks alot.

    3. Hello, glad_outcome.
      I concede with your opinion because... as you said, " I used to think that prison was a place where people are tortured but now, I see that prison is actually a correctional center."
      Based on my research, "a prison, also known as a jail, gaol, penitentiary, detention center, correction center, correctional facility, or remand center, is a facility where people are confined against their will and denied a variety of freedoms under the authority of the state, generally as punishment for various crimes."
      In a prison, a criminal is not to be tortured through the punishment but are to be corrected and disciplined through various correctional means such as punishment and rehabilitation.
      I also concur with your opinion which stated the fact about prisons having more education than work, because education is momentous, and it might help them realize their faults and the consequences of their action and possibly help them to have a change of heart from their previous ways of life which involved crime.
      THANK YOU!!!

      1. Yeah, i also used to think that a prison is a place of everyday torture. i felt prisoners are miserable but i know better now after our class. It is simply a correctional centre that doesn't have to be through beating, starvation or complete discomfort. By reformative, prisoners learn how to be better persons and abstain from crimes when free. i learnt that some prisons have rehabilitation centres. prisoners now have access to learning a skill while in prison which is very important.

        1. How do you think that the access to learning a skill and rehabilitation centres will benefit prisoners?

          1. When prisoners learn a vocational skill while in jail, they will be able to use it to their advantage when they are done serving their sentence. That is, he could use the newly learnt skill to secure an employment opportunity when done serving his time sentence.
            For instance, if an inmate learns electrical work, plumbing work or carpentry, when he is done serving time, he will be able to use his newly acquired skills to his benefit.
            So, in conclusion, when an inmate learns a productive skill, it enables him to require skills, reduce recidivism and increases the chances of them successfully reintegrating and reconnecting with the society.
            THANK YOU!!!

          2. Well, knowledge is power and we can only achieve that by being educated. This is the main reason prisoners are to be educated because, through learning new skills, it widens their knowledge and mental capacity to even realize their mistakes and change from their ways. Rehabilitation centres would also benefit prisoners in the sense that, it would help them to think and reflect on their mistakes and try to make good use of the knowledge they acquire.
            When I say knowledge is power, I do not mean it in a negative way rather positive. I say this because, such prisoners we think are the cause of our problems can actually use their acquire knowledge to develop our society and nation at large than we who already have such knowledge and have already acquired such skills. We should never look down on anyone because of their mistakes rather we should focus on the future and try changing such people for the better and we can start with our prisoners in our respective countries.
            Thank you.

          3. Hi,
            I think that giving the opportunity to prisoners to learn a skill and to also go to rehabilitation centers can help them and serve as an advantage to them in many ways. During my research I found out that according to the National Bureau of Economic Research, " time spent in prison can deter offenders from future crime or rehabilitate offenders by providing vocational training or wellness programs ". By providing inmates with opportunities to gain access to education and training, they can develop fresh and new skills and acquire knowledge that can help them to lead a productive and advantageous life after they are released. To me prison shouldn't only be about punishment and inhuman treatment but it should also be a life changing place, it should be a platform for changing peoples lives for the better and also creating opportunities for them to gain good achievements for themselves rather than going back to a life of crime and bad conduct. This can also help in reducing relapse rates and increase public safety because instead of allowing prisoners who have not had any form of rude awakening and still have a high tendency of going back to a life of crime, humans who have had a breakthrough and have become responsible people with a change of character and a positive mindset towards life will be released instead and everybody has to agree with me who wouldn't like that. Programs made for the purpose of helping prisoners in this aspect will also help them build their self esteem and confidence, it will help them to eradicate the fear of being judged and discriminated and honestly this would be rather very good for their mental heath and well being.
            In summary, giving ingress or access to inmates/prisoners to acquire and learn a skill and rehabilitation centers can provide them with the resources and tools they need to have a turn around and a breakthrough in their lives and become responsible and productive members of the society, in fact they won't only be good but they will also contribute greatly to the development of the society as they would feel that they need to make up for the damage they made in the society in the past. It is paramount that investment is made in these programs to help decrease crime rates and improve public safety.
            Thank you!

          4. when a criminal is in prison , he or she needs to learn how to blend in with the society. so in prison there has to be a place for he or she to learn a particular job that when he or she lives prison he will not go back to a bad life . This is what they should have done to fito while he was in prison . If the person is not able to blend in the society, the person might feel left out. A prisoners learning process should not end because he is in prison. Learning a skill and rehabilitation centres gives prisoners the hope of giving back to society.

          5. The major purpose of a prison is to reform prisoners' minds and education is the main tool used for reformation. Education doesn't end in the four corners of a classroom; you can learn anything anywhere. Learning a skill is a form of education. Learning a skill helps prisoners understand the society better and learn other ways to be successful. Learning skills improves one mentally, socially and economically. It teaches them to contribute positively to the society and be responsible citizens. Education in prisons is an advantage to prisoners and to the public. Prisons are to help heal the wounds prisoners have caused to the society.
            Thank you.

          6. Hello Eva,
            Investing in educational and rehabilitative opportunities for prisoners has huge potential to reduce recidivism and promote positive social outcomes. By providing prisoners with opportunities to acquire new skills and education, these programs increase their employability upon release and break the cycle of crime. Additionally, such initiatives facilitate personal growth and address issues such as substance abuse and mental health challenges. The development of social and interpersonal skills facilitates smoother reintegration into society and promotes community safety. As a cost-effective approach, investing in rehabilitation not only provides individuals with a second chance, but also improves the overall well-being of the community, creating a more positive and constructive environment. However, it is important to recognize that while forgiveness and rehabilitation are vital in the justice system, certain crimes, such as premeditated murder, rape, torture or terrorism, deserve just punishment. In these cases, the seriousness of the crime requires a balance between justice and mercy to uphold social values ​​and provide closure for the victim.

          7. One of the ways to help prisoners improve their lives and reduce their chances of reoffending is to give them access to learning a skill and rehabilitation. Learning a skill can equip them with the knowledge and abilities they need to find employment and income after they are released from prison. Rehabilitation can help them deal with the underlying issues that led them to commit crimes, such as mental health problems, substance abuse, or trauma. They can receive counselling, therapy, and support from professionals and peers. By offering these opportunities, prisons can serve not only as places of punishment, but also as places of education and healing for the prisoners.

    4. It has also made me to think differently. I now understand that prison is supposed to be a place to make people better,to correct people of the wrong they have done and help to reform citizens. Prison should not only be based on the labour that prisoners would do it should also be based on teaching citizens and widening their horizons, some citizens are in prison because of ignorance/illiteracy, this would help prisoners to be better citizens when the come out of prison.

      1. I think clever_redcurrant is right because I think Improving the educational system and implementing programs that empower individuals with skills and knowledge can break the cycle of poverty and provide alternative paths to success. Additionally, providing support for families, especially in terms of parenting, education and assistance, can have a positive impact. Tackling issues such as poverty and lack of educational opportunities can indeed contribute significantly to creating a safer and more prosperous society.

        1. Well said fascinating opinion, Education can really be a major component in curbing crime.

          Education can help reduce crime by addressing underlying factors:

          1. Empowerment: Quality education empowers individuals, providing them with skills and knowledge that can lead to better employment opportunities, reducing the likelihood of criminal behavior.

          2. Critical Thinking: Education fosters critical thinking skills, enabling individuals to make informed decisions and navigate challenges without resorting to criminal activities.

          3. Social Skills: Through education, individuals develop social skills and empathy, contributing to positive interactions within communities and reducing conflict that may lead to criminal behavior.

          4. Awareness: Education raises awareness about the consequences of criminal actions and promotes a sense of responsibility, discouraging individuals from engaging in illegal activities.

          5. Opportunity Equality: Access to education promotes equality and reduces disparities, addressing social issues that can be associated with criminal behavior arising from economic or social disadvantages.

          6. Values and Morality: Educational institutions play a role in instilling values and morality, guiding individuals towards ethical behavior and away from criminal activities.

          While education is a powerful tool, it should be complemented by other social and economic measures to create a holistic approach in addressing crime prevention.

          1. Well done for replying to another comment.

  • A prison is a place where people are meant to have criminal Justice. A prison can be a place of comfort but not too much comfort. IT is meant to be a place of lesson and it is meant to be a secure place.

    1. Can you say where you think the line should be drawn?

      1. They are human beings, they should be given the punishment they deserve in order to make them better person. The punishment should not be too much, they should be given a little comfort because they are human beings. they should be a place for learning in a prison. a prison must not only be for punishment but it has to be secure , reformative, safe, comfortable and protective. punishment should be given according to the crime he/she has committed. when someone is taken to a prison or cell, the country or state has to be at rest. The prison has to be secure, which is most important.

  • Mr Jerome has made me think differently about prison, before I used to think that prison is a place where prisoners are treated badly but now I see that prison is the right place for prisoners because even if prisoners are treated badly they can still go out of the prison and commit another crime

  • Listening to Jerome, I've learnt that prison is not the only way to deal with crime as it can be solved through other alternatives. I also agree with him on the fact that if people are kept for a long time in isolation it can affect their mental health seriously. The fact is that if humans are forced to stay in the same place for a long period of time a lot of crazy thoughts run through their mind which is not good for their mental health. Also I have also learnt that prisons are correction centers and not punishment centers. Correction is basically giving direction to an offender to show them how to move forward in a proper way while Punishment means giving the offender a penalty in order to get them to see the errors of their ways. Prisons nowadays tend to focus on punishments rather than correcting the criminals and showing them the right way to move forward in their life. When you punish someone they know their errors but they don't have any idea on how to move forward the right way but when they are corrected they know their wrongdoings, how to move forward rightly and work towards a better life.

  • Your perspective emphasizes the potential mental health consequences of prolonged isolation and underscores the importance of understanding the underlying reasons behind criminal behaviour. The impact of extended periods of isolation on mental well-being is a valid concern, as it can lead to various psychological issues, including anxiety, depression, and increased stress levels. Addressing these mental health challenges is crucial not only for the well-being of individuals but also for the broader goal of rehabilitation and reducing the likelihood of re-offending.

    Additionally, your mention of the reasons behind criminal behavior suggests a recognition that the circumstances leading to criminal actions are complex and multifaceted. Understanding the root causes of criminal behavior is an essential aspect of developing effective and just criminal justice policies. It acknowledges that crime is often a result of a combination of social, economic, and personal factors.

    In the broader context of criminal justice, this perspective aligns with a more nuanced and rehabilitative approach that seeks not only to punish but also to understand and address the underlying issues that may contribute to criminal actions. This holistic view recognizes the potential for rehabilitation and aims to create conditions that foster personal growth and positive change.

    Your viewpoint emphasizes the interconnectedness of mental health, criminal behavior, and the need for a comprehensive understanding when designing policies and practices within the criminal justice system. It reflects a commitment to addressing the root causes of crime while also considering the well-being and rehabilitation of individuals involved in the justice system.

  • I totally agree with Jerome ,the fact that prisons are made for correcting the mistakes and make a positive change in society while allocating its human resources. Whereas if we imprisonate them for a long time it would be very pressurizing to them too. Everyone has right to be free. Even if they are in prison we can stop them doing wrong things physically but we can't stop them mentally. This can be achieved by providing them better environment in the prison itself.

  • I am grateful to Jerome Mangelinckx for providing this much-needed illumination. It is disappointing that while the criminal justice system is meant to give justice to all, not everyone will always receive the necessary justice because those who are most in need of it are also the least likely to receive it. Finding out that prisons don't always work informs me that jail isn't always the greatest option to deal with social problems since some people are adversely affected by lengthy prison sentences and because it doesn't always address the underlying causes. Prison may be effective in removing evil people from society, but in my opinion, it should always be the final option.

  • Providing prisoners with access to education, training, and rehabilitation programs can be a powerful tool for positive change. Research has shown that these programs can help reduce recidivism rates and improve public safety by helping inmates develop new skills, knowledge, and a positive mindset. Rather than just focusing on punishment, prisons should also aim to provide a platform for personal transformation and growth. This can help inmates build their self-esteem and confidence, overcome fears of judgment and discrimination, and improve their mental health and well-being. By investing in these programs, we can empower inmates to become productive and responsible members of society who can contribute to its development. This approach not only benefits individuals but also contributes to a safer and more just society.
    In conclusion, providing prisoners with opportunities to learn new skills and access rehabilitation programs can have far-reaching benefits. It can help reduce crime rates, improve public safety, and empower individuals to lead productive and responsible lives. By shifting our focus from punishment to rehabilitation, we can create a more compassionate and effective criminal justice system that benefits all members of society.

    1. I agree because prison is supposed to be a place where criminals will see what they are doing is wrong and if they feel bad and change they should be freed but if they repeat the offence then they should be sent back to prison for a long time.

  • I will say thank you to Jerome Mangelinckx for giving me a better understanding and view about the needed reforms in the prisons for "fairness and inclusion" of all parties involved in the system.
    The question that does it work for all...? i will answer that No, because when minor offenders stay in the prisons with serious criminals, it is possible that they get influenced negatively and learn bad habits, thereby becoming hardened criminals.
    i also learn that there should be an alternative to prison (e,g, therapy, counselling etc), and the prisons should be the last resort for offenders.
    the need for the adoption of the" reformative justice system", which will "help prisoners re-integrate into the society" is very necessary and should be looked into by all governments.
    QUESTION? ....i wish that Jerome can explain more what and how to operate the reformative justice system....i need more understanding on it.

  • It's kind of like dealing with a kid – if you just keep punishing or grounding them without getting to the root of the problem, they're just going to simmer with bitterness. Most parents these days know better than to rely solely on constant punishment because, let's be honest, it usually makes things worse.
    Research even shows that kids who go through that kind of constant punishment end up dealing with mental health issues, low self-esteem, and they're more likely to turn to drugs and alcohol. So why are we treating criminals the same way?
    Jérôme Mangelinckx nailed it when he said today's prisons are all about punishment without actually addressing what's going on with the person. No wonder so many end up back in trouble.
    I think we need to reserve prisons for the cases where someone genuinely poses a danger to society. For the smaller stuff, like minor theft or fights, let's have rehab centers where people can actually change. Of course, there should be consequences, but jail might be a bit much.
    And what about people dealing with poverty? Instead of tossing them in jail, how about the government lends a hand and maybe slaps them with a reasonable fine? That way, they're more likely to hustle hard and pay up.
    Now, I have a question: how should the justice system treat first time offenders? Harshly? Or reformatively? I read some interesting comments on this topic, however, they were always contradicting, which approach will be the best for first-time offenders? Maybe we need a middle ground – something that holds them accountable but also gives them a shot at turning things around.

  • My perspective reflects a common criticism of the traditional prison system. Many argue that it often fails to address the root causes of criminal behavior and, instead, perpetuates a cycle of crime. Issues like poverty, lack of employment opportunities, and limited access to education are indeed crucial factors that can contribute to criminal behavior. Moreover, community-based programs and social support can play a vital role in preventing crime in the first place. By addressing the socio-economic factors that contribute to criminal behavior, society can work towards breaking the cycle of crime and creating more sustainable solutions.

  • My perspective reflects a common criticism of the traditional prison system. Many argue that it often fails to address the root causes of criminal behavior and, instead, perpetuates a cycle of crime. Issues like poverty, lack of employment opportunities, and limited access to education are indeed crucial factors that can contribute to criminal behavior. Moreover, community-based programs and social support can play a vital role in preventing crime in the first place. By addressing the socio-economic factors that contribute to criminal behavior, society can work towards breaking the cycle of crime and creating more sustainable solutions.

    1. I agree the society should work on the causes of crime and try to stop it. Some causes of crime are poverty and inadequate parenting and the government can work on them by improving educational system and by establishing different schemes and programs in order to enlighten individuals who are not capable of providing for themselves on different ways particularly skills that they can engage in to earn a decent living and by this way, going into corruption would be the last thing young youths and citizens of a country would think of engaging in. Just as the fascinating_opinion stated the society must support to reduce the crime rate and total rebels going into prison yearly.
      To make the society a better place, we just need to do certain things and show our support, there would be smooth running of the society and the nation at large.

    2. I agree because in some areas limited access to education can negatively affect any human's mind. The environment can also be a huge factor in affecting any person's mind. So if both of these issues get addressed and fixed i think the crime rates in any place on earth will drastically decrease.

  • Jérôme's statement highlighting that 'prison is not a one size fits all solution and should only be considered as a last resort,' drew my attention. This remark directed my focus towards the significance of prioritising rehabilitation rather than relying solely on punitive measures. Rehabilitation programs or restorative justice act as an alternative to prison to vulnerable groups. Like Jerome mentioned prisons sometimes fail to address underlying issues leading to a cycle of re offending which affects mostly the vulnerable groups.

  • In my opinion, putting someone in prison simply because they committed a crime is not always the appropriate course of action. Prison has a societal impact on our nation and may contribute to a rise in criminal activity. Although I think prisons are necessary, we shouldn't employ them in every case where crime arises. Jerome Mangelinckx is correct, I believe, in saying that not everyone belongs in prison.

  • While this might come of as particularly controversial, I believe there are certain criminals, like molesters and rapists who do not deserve humane treatment. They should be confined for a life-time in the worst possible prisons...
    Crime is not associated with the physical hurt as deeply as it is related to the mental wound a victim suffers from. In most parts of the world, Rape victims - survivors, suicide within half an year of the incident. Long before their rapist is sentenced.
    The one crime, committed to satisfy nothing but the uncontrollable lust of a criminal minded "entitled to pleasures" human results in entire families being destroyed. Their actions impact the mental well-being of at least 3 people.
    They must be made to pay in the same way. They should bear the mental burden equivalent to that which they destroyed. Prison is a system of punishment not because it isolates or confines a criminal, but because it makes them lose their sanity, their mental health by isolating them. Providing them Humane Treatment and mental comforts destroys the whole point of a punishment.
    Indeed, they should be made to suffer according to the degree of their crime. And the degree of a Rape Crime is immeasurable. Taking away one's dignity is worse than taking away their life.
    Molesters and Rapists deserve no comfort. The prison laws should be stricter, in fact, crueller for people who cannot control their desires and who choose to impose them upon someone else!

  • Prisons may not always be the best option, even if they can be useful in stopping criminal activity and safeguarding society from dangerous people. Prison's efficacy as a form of punishment or rehabilitation can be affected by several factors, including the nature and severity of the crime committed, the offender's past criminal behaviour, their mental health, and the availability of support networks and rehabilitation programmes. In the end, a complicated interaction between personal and social factors determines whether prison is beneficial for all inmates.

  • Hey, I agree with this opinion but I would like to add something else too, I would like to say that if prisons provides prisoners with some type of rehabilitation and education could be a powerful idea to cause a positive change.

  • I agree because, One of the most debated topics in the field of criminology is what the purpose of justice systems are and whether or not he thinks prisons work for everyone. Jérôme believes that prisons should be reserved for the most serious and violent offenders, while alternative sanctions, such as community service, restorative justice, or treatment programs, should be used for less serious and nonviolent offenders. He also made me to understand that prisons are correctional centers where offensive individuals are been amended to their ways of life. Even if they are in prison, we can stop them doing wrong things physically, but we can't stop them mentally. This can be achieved by providing them better environment in the prison itself.

  • Since everyone is unique and has a different coping mechanism for stress and hardship, I don't think jails are the right solution for everyone. Furthermore, while some individuals may choose to break the rules, others may not, yet both will face consequences for the wrongdoings of a wicked group.
    Additionally, I believe that poor food and water quality in some jails may contribute to inmate illness, indicating that overall prison conditions are unsatisfactory.
    People have occasionally been imprisoned for crimes they did not commit. The alternative, in my opinion, should be for prison administrators to allow inmates to confess and get justice if they are not the actual offenders.

  • Yes, I agree with Jerome Mangelinckx because I am a citizen of Nigeria, which means I am a black person. It's not right that when we travel abroad, people sometimes talk behind our backs and discriminate against us. For instance, when a white person greets someone, they are welcomed warmly, but when a black person does the same, some people act suspicious and even call the police, assuming we're criminals. I appreciate Jerome for bringing attention to this issue in the justice system.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience, and I'm sorry that you have faced discrimination. What positives steps can be taken to help ensure the justice system treats all people fairly?

      1. Hi, I believe there are steps to ensure that the justice system treats all people fairly. Firstly, police officers should focus on the type of crime committed rather than the person who committed it. It's important for them not to show favoritism, treating everyone equally regardless of their relationship to the officer.
        Additionally, it's crucial for law enforcement to avoid making assumptions about individuals based on their race. Stereotyping leads to unfair accusations, and it's important to treat everyone with respect and fairness. Jumping to conclusions about people, especially based on their race, can result in wrongful arrests and perpetuate harmful stereotypes.
        In conclusion, to achieve fairness in the justice system, it's vital for police officers to focus on the nature of the crime and treat everyone with equal respect, avoiding bias and stereotypes.

    2. This is really a bad behavior when someone acts like this way. Discrimation and inequality is getting our society back and not forward. I thought we had overcome these beliefs but your feelings show us a whole different situation. It all depends on personal values and hoe educated is. I hope these incidents won't happen again.

  • Jérôme's message about the need for reform in criminal justice systems and the importance of upholding human rights is important and insightful. His message about the urgent need for reform in Ecuador's criminal justice system is particularly relevant in light of recent events. It is crucial that criminal justice systems are fair, effective, and inclusive, and that alternatives to prison are explored.

    Jérôme's message also highlights the need to address discrimination and inequality within criminal justice systems. Discrimination can exacerbate issues within the criminal justice system, leaving vulnerable groups disproportionately affected. It is important to explore alternatives to prison, such as community-based options, rehabilitation programs, and restorative justice. These alternatives can be more effective in addressing the root causes of criminal behaviour and fostering reintegration into society.

    In conclusion, Jérôme's message emphasizes the need for reform in criminal justice systems and the importance of upholding human rights. It is important to address discrimination and inequality within criminal justice systems and explore alternatives to prison. I acknowledge the importance of these issues and the need for continued efforts to promote fair, effective, and inclusive criminal justice systems.

  • Well, Mr Jérôme Mangelinck made me think differently, when he said that " does prison works for everyone " . Actually prison does work for some prisoners and does not work for some prisoners also, depending on the crime the prisoner the prisoner must have committed.
    For example for someone who committed the crime of Murder, if the person is an assassin and if the person is doing the job of an assassin as a means of surviving, it will be hard for the person to change because the person would have been addicted to that kind of job, and prison might not work for someone like that.
    But for someone who committed the crime of manslaughter
    Under section 325 code of the criminals act in Nigeria it's punish able, For a prisoner who has committed that kind of crime prison does work for them because, it will serve as a rehabilitation center for them, when they get out of prison they would change. Although not everyone in prison deserve to be there, because people are framed for committing crime they did not commit.
    For someone like Fito who is criminal responsible for kidnapping, slayings and bombing. Prison does not work for a criminal like Fito, because for him to have escaped form a prison with such a high security, he his such a dangerous person who needs to be removed from the society.

  • It is really unfortunate that the modern justice system fails to solve all of the addressed problems such as inequality and racism but i think through enough research in more diverse areas some solutions can be brought up to address any problem that is of course if these get the attention they deserve.

  • Well Mr Jèrôme had made me think differently when he said that are they alternative for prision

    1. Actually an alternative to prison might be the use of House arrest instead of the prisoners being imprisoned,this is because if people arrested on an house arrest they will not have the right to move around to commit any more crime because their rights will be limited, and if the are to move out of the house a police officer or any would always move around with them in order to check and monitor their behaviors. This can serve as an alternative for prison.
      Another is through probation prisoners could serve their sentence doing community services under a condition and they are being supervised by a officer. And they are given rules and regulations guiding them, this can help them rehabilitate into the society.

      1. I completely agree with you! House arrest as an alternative to traditional imprisonment can be effective because it restricts individuals' movements and limits their ability to commit further crimes. With limited rights and constant monitoring by law enforcement, house arrest can effectively hold individuals accountable for their actions. Additionally, probation with community service can also be a beneficial alternative. By allowing individuals to serve their sentence while contributing to society and under the supervision of an officer, it provides an opportunity for rehabilitation and reintegration into the community. It's important to provide clear rules and regulations for those on probation to ensure they fulfill their obligations and successfully transition back into society.

      2. I do not totally agree because... I like the house arrest idea because it actually saves cost but the use of house arrest over prisons also has some disadvantages, Imagine someone like Fito who is a highly dangerous criminal being under house arrest, the public won't even feel safe with that kind of idea. The primary disadvantage of house arrest is less public protection over imprisonment. This method of punishment should be applied for only petty offences like drunk driving and offenders who do not pose a significant threat to the public.
        House arrest can also be only applied to those that are suspects of an offence but not yet convicted or found guilty.

  • Hi!! First of all A prison is any institution or device that holds a captive in custody”. Prisons have been in existence since ancient times. They didn’t serve as a form of punishment back then but rather were just used to hold individuals until they receive their punishment which included beheading, death penalty and public shaming. Crime and punishment are both public acts. Ancient punishments were cruel and harsh but today punishment is used as a form to make all offenders or criminals’ law-abiding citizens including prisoners. In modern prisons, criminals are deprived of their freedom and they must follow all the protocols, rules and regulations set by the correctional institutions.

  • I agree with you that prison reforms are mandatory because the current system has many loopholes, which is making it weak, it is marred by increasing corruption and, lack of nuance while dealing with vulnerable groups such as people of color, women, marginalized people, we often see that for the same of the kind of crime, women are punished more severely than men, as you mentioned in the example of Ecuador, the prison system of Ecuador was so flawed that a notorious man like when Mecias, the biggest drug lord of Ecuador, was granted excessive privileges in prison, with amenities surpassing those of luxury hotels, including multiple cell phones and electricity outlets, forbidden items like liquor, tobacco, weapons, and so much more, he even hosted lavish parties within his cell! His escapade sparked outrage, highlighting systemic failures in a country already burdened with heavy crime and trauma. We must give top priority to rehabilitating non-violent offenders and pay closer attention to the mental health and overall well-being of prisoners. It's crucial to keep in mind the specific challenges that vulnerable groups within the prison system encounter. for instance, in Norway, the recidivism rate has gone to a mere 20% due to their rehabilitation programs, The difference in repeat-offender rates between countries like Norway and those struggling with drug-related issues, like Madagascar and Ecuador, speaks volumes. We must give top priority to rehabilitating non-violent offenders and pay closer attention to the mental health and overall well-being of prisoners. It's crucial to keep in mind the specific challenges that vulnerable groups within the prison system encounter.

  • Prisons won't be able to help some people because sometimes people being stuck in a place where they won't learn, instead they can go to recreational centre to develop.

    1. I completely agree with you on this, being isolated does not always teach you to be a good person. Sometimes being isolated can make you lose your mind and increase the mental pressure which may result in reoffence. Prisoners who have been locked up for longer periods might suffer mental problems because of being alone for so long. So instead offenders can be sent to recreational centres. Unsound patients would be able to become sound again if sent to such centres. I think these centres would make them happy and slowly they would be back to normal. Such centres would help them in personality development, mixing up with society and in more such things. So these centres might be better than prisons for some offenders.

  • Long jail terms really don’t bother me because the criminal must have done something wrong to get a long sentence and if I he prison prioritizes reformation I don’t think their mental state would be affected cause with this development of the reformative theory of punishment the person can come out a changed person with a better mind set.
    One thing I wonder is why people are sentenced to death because of everyone deserves a better life because even though they have committed a graveous crime the adoption of reformation as the prison ‘s priority is detrimental for a better world
    Thank you

    1. Actually, all what you have said is correct and I agree with it all, but to your question why people are sentences to death is maybe because of the deeds they have done like for instance a criminal who kills people who is called a murderer which because of the murders the have done. And also a prison from my own understanding is not a Reformative centre but where people are to be changed for their crimes but yes some prisons in some countries most priority is to change the mind set of the person.Thanks for your comment.

      1. Hi! I agree to a point with you! But I don't think that sentence to death is something the justice system shouldhave! Even the worst crimes can't be punished with death. It's like a revenge and doing the same thing this person did. We are not given the right to take anyone's life. This is what makes us more human than a criminal . We would never do something so cruel.

        1. You are right. Sentence to death is the worst punishment and it should be banned. Prisons should be reformative and give the prisoners the opportunity even in jail to rethink their actions. Even in the worst crimes, for me, it would be a total success if this prisoner could change all his mindset.

    2. I'm not sure about this because... I disagree with the statement that you made that you don't think the mental state would be affected and the person can come out a changed person with a better mindset because I think that their mental state would not be affected if though the development of the reformative theory of punishment and instead of them to change and become a better citizen, the will become worst and put more harm to the society.
      Yes everyone deserves a better life but what if the person is of help to the family and what is the family going to do about it?

  • Jerome has made me to think differently about many things like what the justice system should ? Does prison work for everyone? and alternatives of prisons . First of all justice system should provide equal justice to everyone but however this might not be the case everytime because sometimes some criminals
    might do serious offenses like murder, rape, drug trafficking etc. So these serious offenders should be punished accordingly by what activities that they have performed. Prisons might not work for everyone because prisons focuses more on punishment rather than rehabilitation. So, we should use an alternatives for prison like community based rehabilitation, computer monitoring etc.

  • I appreciate Jerome's perspective with respect to restorative justice. I believe prison does not work for everyone in the sense that it has rather transformed convicts from their deviant states to worst habits that are somehow appalling. This defeats the purpose. Ironically, it is supposed to be a correctional centre, but poor management has rather inflicted pain and trauma to most of these convicts. I have watched some documentaries on prison lifestyle that made me question the sanity of some convicts. There have been instances where convicts exit prison and commit crimes that will take them back to prisons since they have no hope or a connection with the world they left.
    Therefore, I am of the opinion that community services and other rehabilitation programs should be considered in place of a jail time to help correct the behaviours of culprits who commit minor crimes. These services should aim to inflict pain but to restore them of their reasoning pertaining acceptable values of the society. Nonetheless, it is paramount that certain crimes committed by culprits such as first-degree murder should have them serve jail times but with rigorous systems such as continuos reformative programs should be put in place to aid them overcome unacceptable acts.

  • For example, in the USA I think they should add more uses of jails than prisons as jails are a much more friendlier and calming environment, providing: restricted access to the internet and even online lessons after all, a big problem with being locked up somewhere for years can be the result in a deconnection to the outside world and once many convicts have been released they normally re revert back to a life of crime as they do not have a job to return to and gain a sustainable amount of money.

  • I think that Jérôme has said a lovely speech which introduces his company. But i still want to ask how are those punishments are going to work, after all the procedures will happen, i do not think that everyone will obey the rules, and then there is going to decrease amount of persons that don't obey the rules, but i still think that there will be a lot of them as there is no big punishment, like puting someone to prison because they have done something bad, i still think that it is a good thing to do, only if you combine it with prison.

    Thanks for reading

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  • He has made me think so much differently about prisons. I didn't know that the prison is the place where the prisoners can improve themselves. I used to think that the prison is the place where the prisoners are being harmed because of the movies. In the movies that I used to watch shows that in prison, prisoners are being tortured.

    Thank you to Jérôme Mangelinckx!

  • Artificial intelligence AI is making it's way around the world. The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the life of mankind is many . For example, During the COVID-19 period, patient suffering from Corona were treated by AI robots. Treatment of any infections disease, various tests of the patient's body, feeding the disease person, giving medicine on time etc. service's are done by AI robots. So we can say that, AI robots are playing a role in human life in many ways. In the future, AI may lead to further improvement in the medical field.

  • Hello everyone! About the interview I saw, I absolutely agree. Isolating offender ( Lets just say Criminals ) may seems like a temporary safety but it may cause the Offender to go crazy or have serious mental issues. Some people might think this might be good if Criminal/Offenders will get those kind of punishments but let's think what if someone goes crazy after they get released out of Prison/Cell. For example, A person who just got released out of prison and he wants to take revenge and he attacked on a school.

    Everyone got there different Point of Views so let me know if I have a misconception.

  • Occasionally isolating yourself from others is not usually harmful, especially if you are prepared and have the support needed.Many deaf people have feelings of isolation and loneliness.There's nothing wrong with spending time alone. Whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, it's important that you take time for yourself to recharge. Alone time allows you to dive into the things you enjoy apart from your family, friends, and other loved ones. You get to decide what to do and when to do it.Social isolation and loneliness have become widespread problems in the United States, posing a serious threat to our mental and physical health. Social isolation and loneliness have been linked to increased risk for: Heart disease and stroke. Type 2 diabetes.

    1. Interesting ideas. Can you tell us where you found your evidence?

      1. From my mind and also from different sources.

  • I agree with the statement monsieur Jerome made, the reason why there is still high crime rate in most of our countries is that we only rely on prisons to rehabilitate prisoners. Prisons should always be our last resort because from what I have observed prisons do not work for over half of they people who were sentenced inside. Some humans cannot only be rehabilitated by entering prisons they can also be rehabilitated or reformed by; opening programmes to build on they change of their mentality, house arrest, kept in a comfortable place where they can think for themselves and correct their mistakes.

  • Thank you Jerome! Nice ideas and some of them new to me! For example restorative justice is something new to us because as you said it involves the offender the victim and the community. It seems ideal but in order to succeed it, all of them need to be trained for this so as to accept it.
    It all depends on the type of the offense. For serous criminal acts such as murders Restorative justice is difficult to be implemented. So Jerome, can you categorize different types of prison justice according to criminal acts?

  • As gateways to knowledge and culture, libraries play a fundamental role in society. The resources and services they offer create opportunities for learning, support literacy and education, and help shape the new ideas and perspectives that are central to a creative and innovation society.

    1. I'm not sure about this because...
      What about places that does not have libraries?