The Enhanced Games: are they fair?

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The Enhanced Games is an international sports event where the athletes will not be subject to drug testing. Performance enhancing drugs are banned substances that are used to gain more energy, run faster and jump higher. When an athlete takes these drugs, this is called doping. In 1896, Pierre de Coubertin launched the first modern Olympics, which were held in Athens. Since then, contests have taken place every four years and during this time many rules have changed. As a supporter of the Olympic games, I enjoy watching a top athlete beat their personal best (drug free obviously). After reading this what side will you be on?

It is believed by many that the enhanced games should become a justified legal sporting competition that deserves respect and acknowledgement. There are many reasons for this and the following opinions demonstrate the arguments in favour.

Firstly, it is considered that over the years advances in materials and equipment have occurred, therefore many people argue that medical advancements should be allowed too. It is thought that 44% of athletes already use drugs so why shouldn’t we make it legal for all?

Secondly, athletes dedicate their lives and bodies to the Olympics but most competitors are not given a salary the size they deserve. This leads to them being driven into debt and a life of poverty. However, The Enhanced Games Supporters claim that the athletes taking part in the Enhanced Games will be provided with fair pay.

On the other hand, it is stated that many consider performance enhancing drugs dangerous and that people may be unaware of what this could lead to for the athlete’s health. Rich countries would be able to afford better dugs than the poor countries causing further sporting inequalities across the world. As well as this, it is thought that people watching the Enhanced Games will be focused on the performance of the drugs rather than the performance of the athletes.

Having looked at many arguments for and against, although I’m not in agreement with the use of doping if the Enhanced games was highly regulated and completely separate to the Olympics I think it could be a legitimate sporting event.

After reading this argument which side will you be drawn to?

Comments (10)

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  • I think the enhanced games are fun and fair if they are safe. And Dr Aron Ping D'Souza, the president of the Enhanced Games, states that "In partnership with top scientists and clinicians, we are developing a full-system medical pre-competition screening protocol – to protect athletes competing in the Enhanced Games." And like you said, people who work hard and don't use drugs will get a higher salary.

    So if the Enhanced Games stays apart from the Olympics, if participants are protected from health issues, and the Olympics have better rewards (because they worked hard and did not use drugs), then I think that the Enhanced Games is fair AND safe.

    What do you think?

    1. I agree because... the enhanced games are fun and safe but that still doesn't mean that it is still fair. While people are working hard and trying to earn a medal, others are using drug products to win. This is highly unfair. In my opinion the enhanced games are highly unfair because they don't check for drugs so people can use drugs to win. If drugs are banned and they do checks to make sure nobody is on drugs, people can show their true skill instead of taking full credit of enhancing drugs that makes you jump,leap run, sprint and more.

      I love your comment and I am supporting it with my opinion.

  • Hello, First of all, I think that Zakat games are fun to stimulate the mind, stimulate intellectual activity, strengthen memory and concentration. They work to train the child to memorize things, foods, and words by heart. They also encourage thinking, deduction, and creative solutions to problems. They help to persevere in order to win and teach skills, and this is of great importance. In increasing children's self-confidence, he added that parents focus on buying games and that they help develop mental abilities such as critical thinking and creativity. The game of chess is considered one of the oldest and most famous intelligence games. It is a classic game of strategy and intelligence that requires future thinking, planning and anticipation of possible moves.

  • Hi Topical Talkers I am Inventive signature and I would to say my view about If the enhanced games are fair with the following points of mine as discussed below:
    I just had a discussion with some of my mates and after the discussion I came up with this little Idea of mine about the enhanced games if they are fair.
    I think the enhanced games are not fair because it has to do with athlete taking a lot of drug into the body and we all know that a lot of drugs into the body is not fair and imagine a situation whereby the other opponent took drug and the other didn`t would it really be fair to the other athlete and some fans might not like to see one opponent overthrown by the other and this would not make the race competitive and fair.
    In conclusion I would say that the enhanced games aren`t fair because it is not competitive as a normal game match should be.
    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
    BYE TOPICAL TALKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Hi everyone.
    I would to say my opinion.
    For the Enhanced Games:

    Progress: Like sports gear has improved, so could medical treatments. If many athletes use drugs, making it legal could make things fair.
    About money 💰: Athletes often don’t earn much. The Enhanced Games could pay them better.
    Against the Enhanced Games:

    Health 🏥: Drugs can be dangerous for athletes.
    Fair Play: Drugs might ruin the sport’s fairness and the value of hard work.
    People's opinions:
    There're some people who say that it can be good if it is sprated from Olympics.
    On the other hand some people are worried about the health.
    In my opinion I say that the Enhanced games are not good at all because they are dangerous for health.

  • In my opinion i think The Enhanced Games should be banned because for example if you were doing a sport and came first would you really feel as proud? Furthermore, some drugs have bad effects on your life and there is a 90% chance athletes wont be able to either train or play anymore for taking these drugs. What do you think ?

  • I think that enhanced games are not fair because other had to work for their gold medal.if people used steroids instead of just building up the muscle those peoples lives will live shorter.Steroids get in your bloodstream and destroys your cells.Put yourself in a past Olympic winners shoes what would you say to see that people have to use drugs to run fast I would be disgusted.This spectacle risks exploitation and puts athletes' health at grave danger by allowing and even encouraging the use of performance-enhancing substances.As the new enhanced games gets more popular steroids keep killing.


  • I believe that the Enhanced Games are not fair. I feel this way because they don't check them for steroids I feel that not checking them is basically allowing people to use them. When they use steroids this can be known as cheating. When people cheat that is unfair to the other people that are competing. Another detail is that the Enhanced Games are not very safe because steroids can be very harmful to the human body in many ways. This is why I feel that the Enhanced Games are unfair and unsafe.

  • I do not think the Enhanced Games are fair because the athletes are using the effect of the drug to perform, and they are not working hard to earn anything. It is not fair, and it doesn't make the games feel like a legitimate sporting event. I think using drugs at a sporting event is cheating and it's very bad for your health. This should not be legal in the Enhanced Games, because even if there are nurses there, anything could happen at any moment, so it's a false sense of security. The drugs could cause horrible things such as liver diseases and kidney failure. So yes, the athletes do dedicate their lives and bodies to the Olympics, however, if they are not taking care of their lives and bodies, and are using the effects of drugs instead of doing the work, many of them will have very bad long-term effects to their health.

  • I am of the opinion that the Enhanced Games should not take place. This is because it is dangerous - dangerous in the face of the drugs. In 1967, drugs were banned from the Olympics because people realised that they were very harmful to the athletes bodies and that it was not fair across all events because some had the advantage. Why would we bring back the drugs in the Olympics when they were banned because it was not fair? However, Aron D'Souza, an Australian businessman, founded the Enhanced Games and he thinks it will be fairer for all athletes, it will take away the stigma (thinking badly about something) from the games. He also stated, " ...This will show us the true potential of humanity. " This shows that he believes they Enhanced Games will push our bodies to new limits and we can see how far we can go.
    Personally, I disagree with this and think it is a huge risk to take drugs.
    In conclusion there are mixed opinions but I believe the Enhanced Games are not safe enough. Nor will the athletes have too much fun, especially later on in life, and the atmosphere will not be great.

  • I agree as I feel the enhanced games cannot be good for the athletes or sport in itself.

    Amazing standpoint ⭐️!