The Enhanced Games: When the Creation Outpaces the Creator

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  • Hello πŸ‘‹πŸ»
    I just have few questions.
    1. what is the importance of enhanced games and why people need them?
    2. Why enhanced games are illegal?
    3. Why do we need the enhanced games in the world 🌎?
    Thanks for your information 😊

    1. First of all, people don't 'need' the Enhanced Games. They're merely luxuries that the rich and wealthy thought of. Think about it: if you reach your maximum natural potential, you will be able to do any task that is 'required.' You don't need to be gigantic to lift weights; you don't need to be gigantic to carry groceries; you don't need to be stronger than your limit.

      Second of all, taking steroids affects your health. Steroids are also highly addictive because, when you take them, you get stronger and more handsome. Why do you stop at one dose? Why don't you take twenty doses? What's stopping you from taking one hundred? These drugs make you feel that when you take more, you will achieve the perfect physique, so you take more. You still want more, until police find you in the street, laying dead because of an overdose. It's just like smoking; it can be legal, but it can still hurt you.

      Last of all, will the Enhanced Games affect technology? No. Will the Enhanced Games affect eco-anxiety? No. The only people in this world who benefit from the Enhanced Games are scientists and the wealthy. The Enhanced Games are, in my eyes, just an experiment to make the most potent drug that humanity will ever see. They use athletes as human guinea pigs to test different drugs. They want to create a drug that has no downsides; humanity is trying to play God. And it will most certainly backfire. So always remember to stay natural and healthy.