The morality behind the Enhanced Games

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Are the Enhanced games morrally acceptable?

When taking into consideration this topic we as a collective must not only keep in mind the athlete's personal preference when it comes to taking drugs, but the wider idea of is it truly ethically correct for us as people to allow somebody willingly harm them self at our expense as viewers?

Particularly, when overviewing a topic this broad, we must first highlight that many people do illegally and voluntarily take drugs and would be more than jovial to participate in these games however when you truly look at the laws behind drugs and the reasons they were created in the first place, it becomes further apparent why it is imperative these games don’t take place.

In 1967 the Olympics finally banned doping from there games and put in place a list of banned: harmful performance enhancing drugs that athletes would be checked for, following a surplus of incidents and their ability to enhance the performance of the athletes even ripping some of there titles from them. You may be thinking well, how is enhancing a player's performance a bad thing, aren’t you just making the game more entertaining? Well, to that I say we need to look at this from a wider perspective. I am a young person involved with quite a few sports, and the idols you make from watching and participating in the sports you adore, contribute a lot to actions and or things you do when looking up to your idol and playing the same sport. If the Enhanced games go through, would this not then encourage young people to consume drugs additionally in the hope that it will make them play well? Is it not a concern that this is an additional step to normalising drugs in society?

In conclusion we can not continue to allow these games to occur due to the foreseeable repercussions that will take place. Not only will young people feel as if they aren’t virtuous if not haven took drugs or passed over on there natural talent if not willing to participate in doping but even those who do will be causing serious harm to their mental and physical health.

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  • I agree with you and your points are absolutely right! Even I think that Not only will young people feel as if they aren’t virtuous if not haven took drugs or passed over on there natural talent if not willing to participate in doping but even those who do will be causing serious harm to their mental and physical health. It's concerning that societal pressures may lead young people to feel they need to engage in harmful behaviors like drug use or doping to fit in or achieve success. Both physically and mentally, these actions can have serious consequences, and promoting healthier alternatives and positive role models is crucial.