Animal Suffering Around The World; and How Can We Stop It?

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  • We can prevent this by doing many things. I heard recently on the news that many dogs were being put down but instead put into an institution with many dogs and can also be an adoption center. Another thing we can do is stop poachers from selling and prevent them from hurting animals.

  • Many of us overlook the fact that animal extinction is a result of human activity, which may disrupt the natural balance of the ecosystem. Although humans are apathetic to them, animals contribute to the preservation of the ecological balance. Nevertheless, indiscriminate animal killing occurs in many regions of the world. We must take action to conserve animals as we now know that they can contribute to the preservation of the ecological balance.
    To stop animal abuse and protect them from being killed, laws must be strengthened. People's understanding of the value of caring for and safeguarding animals has to be increased. The majority of animals are used in lab research. In this situation, we must look for alternate testing procedures and safeguard the animals from being killed randomly. Additionally, we must alter habits and actions that endanger the lives of animals. We need to establish some organizations that will work for the protection, rescue, and rehabilitation of animals with the help of the government. We need to increase our forest resources and ensure the safe habitat for those animals. We all need to come together to preserve and protect the animals from going to extinct.

    1. I agree with your comment because there truly are many flaws that were created by us which now affect animal habitats. For example, Polar Bears have started to become extinct and their numbers are decreasing rapidly. Also, many animals like rabbits are usually used to experiment products like make up, medicine and vaccines before they are sold to humans. This is one of the many reasons that the amount of animals are decreasing. We truly are ruining the world.

  • There is no doubt that human activities always have been a negative impact on the environment including animals. Overfishing and hunting are the greatest threat facing animals which cause food crisis. By human activities many species have become extinct. Deforestation makes animals homeless, without food, and finally many animals lose their lives. There are many ways to prevent cruelty to animals, first we can start by using and teach them how to love and respect animals. Also, avoid products with animal testing. Never buy fur, animals have the right to live.

    1. Hi there! I agree with you that we cannot deny that human activities have a negative influence on animals, and even the whole environment, like in forest, people cut trees for producing wood to make furniture, or they burnnrice straw, or they deforestate forests to make buildings to live in. The problem is that if we deforestate forests, We're never gonna be able to get her back.
      THANK YOU 😊

  • I agree with the point that animal suffering is a big and increasing global crisis. Innocent animals around the world are being hunted to their extinction, dying from the starvation caused due to deforestation and pollution. Millions of fishes and marine life have been dying in the oceans because of plastics ending up in the sea. I think that a major cause of animal suffering is hunting , because when people kill animals for food they are most times the unfortunate parents who die leaving their young ones vulnerable to all the dangers of predators and starvation. Eventually, an entire food chain of animals collapse because if grasshoppers eat grass, frogs eat grasshoppers and hawks eat the frogs. When tadpoles ( baby frogs ) are left orphaned and die as their parents have died, the frog population will decrease noticeably and hawks will have to find another reliable source of food. We can also agree that if hunters gradually exterminate animals, species by species there will be none left and this will affect us massively too. If bees are extinct, there will be a global inflation in the price of honey and the production companies will collapse. I believe that the world at large in order to end animal suffering needs to understand the importance of animals and the value of their role in our lives both as pets that show us love and as major components of many food chains and eco systems. I think we can stop animal suffering by issuing government policies about the number of animals use for scientific research, poaching should be made illegal in some forests and wild places and also the amount of plastic used individually by people. There should be an institution of many companies that produce biodegradable plastic products that are safe for our environment and decompose quickly unlike the real strong harmful plastic that takes hundreds of years to break down and is eventually eaten by the fishes in the ocean. Step by step, we can turn the world through these solutions into an animal suffering free zone where animals can have the basic rights of living things.