Comments by beloved_chocolate

Comment Post Date
If there was no money left on the world and it was impossible to make any more, we would not... Weekly Competition #9 05/11/18
I think that actions do speak louder than words, because you may say you believe something and... Weekly Competition #6 15/10/18
I saw a sausage sitting on the roof I didn't know if it was soft or it was bulletproof I... Weekly Competition #5 11/10/18
I think that picture C is the odd one out because there is no evident anger or opposition to... Weekly Competition #4 01/10/18
I am furious about what is happening at the moment in Myanmar, as innocent people are being... Weekly Competition #3 26/9/18
I feel disgusted and furious but also thankful. I feel thankful that we live in a country where... Weekly Competition #3 25/9/18