Comments by calm_hedgehog

Comment Post Date
If I could not forgive I would feel deserted as with every relationship i made when the other... Weekly Competition #17 15/1/19
Money matters, because it is how you get things that are vital to survive and can give you a... Weekly Competition #13 04/12/18
If I had that much money I would find a small business that i believe has potential and invest... Weekly Competition #10 13/11/18
I think that we should use an app that can be downloaded on all types of phones which works a... Weekly Competition #9 06/11/18
I think that Sir David Attenborough should be on the new £50 note because he has presented Blue... Weekly Competition #8 27/10/18
I think that picture C is the odd one out because it shows a film crew filming a journalist in a... Weekly Competition #4 02/10/18
I see what you mean because A shows a more industrial issue but my view is that A and B are... Weekly Competition #4 02/10/18
Social Media is a great place. It means that we can keep up with world wide news and make are... Weekly Competition #2 18/9/18